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Wellcome To PGMEEnotes

Thursday, March 30, 2006




=(d) Opening of FRONTAL air sinuses
=(e) Opening of MAXILLARY air sinuses
=(f) Opening of ANTERIOR ETHMOIDAL air sinuses
=(g) Opening of MIDDLE ETHMOIDAL air sinuses

( gauded by Hasner's valve/lacrimal fold)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Most IMP ENT topics for Entrance Exams..

1) "TONSILS---/ TONSILITIS / TONSILLECTOMY --- group A & B streptococcal / strepto.pyogenes-(common org.)-Rxpenicillin for 10 days, pain in the post 1/3 tongue after tonsillectomy is due to injury to / throat pain radiating to the ear following tonsillectomy is due to IX cr. Nerve, tonsil develop embryologically from 2nd.pharyngeal pouch, Hard elongated swelling in the tonsillar fossa after tonsillectomy --elongated styloid process, Tonsillectomy--indications-(1) F.B. tonsil, (2) unilat.enlargement of tonsil with suspected malignancy, (3) atrophic tonsillitis, (4) Recuurent acute tonsillitis , (5) recurrent quincy, postop. complication hemorrhage--Rx antibiotics + saline wash, sec.hemorrhage(5-8hrs)-is due to- infection,& it is the common postop.compli.,hemorrhage after 6hrs --reactionary H., main blood supply to tonsil is facial artery, tonsillectomy is CI in polioepidemic, Palatine tonsil have Efferents but no afferents, After Quincy interval tonsillectomy is done after 6 wks.,commonest L.N. to enlarge in acute tonsillitis is Jugulodiagastric L.N., tonsil reach their max. size by 5yrs.,"---------((20))

2) "OTOSCLEROSIS / OTOSPONGIOSIS ---A.D. more in Females, affects Oval window/stapes, ConductiveHearingLoss, colour of T.M.=FLAMINGO PINK, Paracusis willisii, Schwartz sign seen, Gelle's test -ve, Carhart's notch/ dip=2 khz, TOC=Stapedectomy with prostesis/Fluorides--cochlear otosclerosis,"-----------((19))

3) "VOCAL CORD(S)---is line by stratified sq. epithelium, REINKI'S layer seen, web form'n. post truamatically can be prevented by MC NAUGHT'S KEEL, unilat.V.C. palsy--commonest cause-Idiopathic, left unilat. V.C. palsy-cause-oesophageal ca., Precancerous lesion in V.C.-leukoplakia, localised nodule vocal cord of sq.cell ca. vocal cord-Rx-Excision, earliest symp.of ca.vocal cord--Hoarseness, MOUSE NIBBLED APP.of V.C.--seen in T.B. of V.C., granuloma of V.C.-is due to Intubation, unilat.complete paralysis of V.C. can be corrected by--Teflon inj.,cricoarytenoid arthrodesis,implant procedures, T1N0M0 CA.of V.C.-Rx--radical radiotherapy, Internal tensor lengthening mucosa of V.C. is Cricothyroid, pri.aetiological factor in contact ulcer of larynx--Vocal Abuse, V.C.paralysis--resp.obst., aphonia by adductor paralysis can be overcomed by Arytenoidectomy, 19yrs.old female with aphonia has bilat.abductor paralysis cause is functional,"----------((19))

4) "CANCER OF LARYNX---Squamous cell cancer of larynx is commonest presentation, it is the commonest cause of Hoarseness of voice in Elderly man of more than 2mths.duration / Laryngeal Stridor in a, Early fes.of Ca.larynx= Hoarsness of voice, NO neck secondaries-->Rx only Radiation, STAGE-III-->SURGERY+RADIATION,Rx of Glottic cancer-- TOC.-for (T1N0M0)-->EXTRENAL BEAM RADIOTHERPY, Ca larynx with Fully Mobile Cords-TOC.-->RADIOTH.,Rx of Ca.larynx with Stridor-->PLANNED TRACHEOSTOMY,glottic cancer has least chance of Nodal Mets.,Glottic Vocal Cancer has Best Prognosis, Hoarsness Early in Glottic Cancer, INFRAGLOTTIC CA.-->Commonly Spreads to Mediastinal L N'S, Ant.Commissure growth-Rx-->Conservative Laryngectomy, post cricoid growth---"----------((17))

5) "OTITIS MEDIA---CSOM ( CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA)---attico antral(dangerous type of ear), Schwartze op. done, csom with cholesteatoma with acute onset of vertigo-Rx-immediate exploration, Rx-cholesteatoma-radical mastoidectomy"--------------((10))

6) "ACOUSTIC NEUROMA---Auditory defect, sensory aphasia, changes in audiometry, commonly affects-8 Cr.N. & that too Superior Vestibular Nerve, early symp.-UniLateral hearing loss, it is most common (CPA) Cerebello-Pontine Angle tumours, Numbness of Face, Deafness, Internal Hydrocephalus, Ac.Nr. of 1 cm-IOC/diag.of choice=C.T. SCAN, hypoesthesia of the post. aspect of the ext. auditory canal-this is an early sign, " ----------((9))

7) "MENEIRE DISEASE / ENDOLYMPHATIC HYDROPS--- Ass.with Presbycusis, fes.--Tinnitus, Recurrent Vertigo, Deafness, Low Frequency SNHL/SND.-on pure tone Audiogram, GLYCEROL TEST is done in this, CODYTACK OPERATION is done, Cochlear type M.D.--Cochlear Deafness, Rx--Vasodilators--> increase Endolymph reabsorption, vasodilators of internal ear-is-Nicotinic acid,"-----------((9))

8) "ANGIOFIBROMA (NASOPHARYGEAL)---Juvenile angiofibroma is locally enlarging tumour producing destruction of bony structures without producing distal secondaries, Young Males(10 yrs boys), Bilateral Nasal Obstruction, bleeding from nose/ Intermittent profuse Epistaxis, firm pinkish mass in nasopharynx, Inv.=X-ray base of skull, carotid angiography, C.T.SCAN(IOC), Benign but potentially malignant, "----------------((7))

9) "EPISTAXIS---most common site--AnteroInferior Part of the Nasl Septum ,this is also called as ' LITTLE'S AREA ' ,in Ederly pt.--commonest cause-HTN.,Rx give NTG to decrease B.P., Recurrent epistaxis in a 15 yrs.female--most common cause-Hematopoietic disorder, Epistaxis in a 5 yrs. old Boy is due to Bleeding Disorder, Recurrent Epistaxis=causes--DNS, Atrophic Rhinitis, Maxillary Ca.,"-----------((7))

Sunday, January 22, 2006

PGMEEnotes--IMP.ENT Topics

1) "FACIAL NERVE---secretomotor N.fibres of SphenoPalatine Ganglion supply the Lacrimal gland, Injury to Facial Geniculate Ganglion-->Dryness of eyes, Site of lesion of F.N. causing Lacrimal gland involvement is Matoid Foramen, FACIAL NERVE PALSY---common cause--Bell's Palsy, F.N.P.-due Trauma, Immediate Rx--Decompression,"----------((6))

2) "MIDDLE MEATUS OF NOSE---Frontal air cells,Ant. Ethmoide, Maxillary sinus opens in it, BULLA-ETHMOIDALIS, HIATUS SEMILUNARIS are seen, "-------------((6))

3) "NAOPHARYNGEAL CANCER---EBV is a causative agent, Spreads to Lymph nodes, commonest Presentation--Cervical adenopathy, there is High Incidence of NODAL METASTASIS, "-----------((6))

4) "OTITIS MEDIA---ASOM (ACUTE SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA) commonest cause--Pneumococcus -->very serious O.M., Pulsatile Otorrhea seen, 3yrs. Child with Fever, Ear ache, Congested T.M. with slight Bulge, it is the commonest cause of hearing loss?, Rx--Penicillin ( Myringotomy+ penicillin)"------------((6))

5) "NASAL POLYP---ANTROCHOANAL P.---& POLYPECTOMY-intranasal & ext.approach--arises from maxillary sinus, single & unilateral,"---------((6))

6) "ATROPHIC RHINITIS---Sx young operation done., ozaena is seen, anosmia, alkaline douche sol'n=NaCl, Na-borate, NaHCo3"----------((6))

7) "STRIDOR---effect of BILAT. RLN damage, most common cause in adult--malignancy, Rx of congenital laryngeal stridor =reassurance to parents, most common cause pf stridor in newborn--laryngomalacia,"---------------((6))

8) "TRACHEOSTOMY---complication commonly occur in children-is-difficult decannulation, indication--stridor, coma of long duration , diptheria, laryngeal obst.,flail chest, tetanus(cyanotic spells) , It is not used in F.B. / Obst.of post basal lobe /bronchus, commonest compli.of paediatric--Pneumothorax, "--------((6))

9) "TYMPANIC MEMBRANE---Blue Drum--seen in Secretory otitis media, nerve supply auriculotemporal nerve, T.M.-mobility--most mobile part-central, "----------((6))

10) "LITTLE'S AREA--- arterial supply= Ant.Ethmoidal art., Septal branch of facial art., Nasal branch of Sphenopalatine art., it is the commonest Bleeding site of nose / EPISTAXIS, or KIESSELBACH'S PLEXUS---Bleeding Area of nose is situated in the AnteroInferior surface of septum/medial wall of nasal cavity ,” ----------------((6))

11) "HEARING LOSS---SENSORENEURAL H.L.---(SNHL)--causes-old age, Cochlear Otosclerosis,Loud sound, Rx--COCHLEAR IMPLANT, Hydrops of Endolymphatic system-seen-in Alport's synd.,Usher's synd.,Pendred's synd.,"----------((5))

12) "MIDDLE EAR CAVITY---Nerve supply--Glossopharyngeal nerve,Floor--formed by INTERNAL JUGULAR BULB, In middle ear desease-there is - increased Threshold of AC & decreased BC (BC>AC), Resistance in middle ear-is-tested by IMPEDENCE Audiometry, Prominent Emenece over medial wall of midlle ear-is formed by-COCHLEA( BASAL TURNS),"----------((5))

13) "NASAL CAVITY---Function--Warming, Moistening, Filtration, NASAL SEPTUM---is formed by Vomer bone, Perpendicular bone of Ethmoid, Rostrum of Sphenoid, APPLE-JELLY NODULES on nasal septum--is due to Lupus Vulgaris, NASAL CARTILAGE-- 3 Paired & 1 Unpaired cartilages, NASAL MUCOSA---supplied by mainly Ext.Carotid artery,"-----------((5))

14) "RECURRENT LARYNGEAL NERVE---partial RLN palsy produces Vocal cord in PARAMEDIAN position, closely related to Inf.thyroid artery, BILAT.RLN PALSY=ADDUCTED position & stridor, supplies all except cricothyroid( SLN),"----------((5))

15) "RHINOSPORODIOSIS---russel bodies seen, Rx- Dapson, fungal infec., Tamil nadu, Rx excision with cautery at base,"-----------((5))

16) "DNS / DEVIATED NASAL SEPTUM ---sharp DNS--Epitaxis, SPUR, recurrent sinusitis, Newborn with DNS= 20%, inf.tubinate hypertrophy, COTTEL'S TEST--patency of nares in DNS,"------------((5))

17) "FRONTAL SINUS--F.S. develops from ant. Ethmoidal cells, PNEUMATOCELE--fracture of F.S., not present at birth, FRONTAL MUCOCELE--"-----------((5))

18) "EPIGLOTTITIS---ACUTE--Commonest Organism causing it is -Hemophilus Influenze, children--Ampicillin,commonest cause death-is-Respiratory obstruction,"------------((4))

19) "MYRINGOTOMY---done on POSTERO-INFERIOR Quadrant of T.M., commonest indication--Serous Otitis Media, a child with otitis media with Bulging T.M. with dull look, PUS in middle ear under tension,"-----------((4))

20) "PLUMMER VINSON'S SYND.---ass. With oesophageal ca., post cricoid growth, IDA, females, premalignant ( for hypopharyngeal ca., "---------((4))

21) "QUINSY---PERITONSILLAR ABSCESS---org.-streptococcus, quinsy+trimus--> Rx for 48 hrs. antibiotics only & then oral drainage,"----------((4))

22) "SEPTAL PERFORATION---of Cartilagenous nasal septum--septal abscess,leprosy ( ant. Septal perf.), Bony septal perforation--syphilis, Mucosa; inv. With nasal septum perforation in jaws-is-known as GANGOSA, "--------((4))

23) "MAXILLARY SINUSITIS---commonest / chronic sinusitis in children,"---------((4))

24) "PATCH IN THROAT--- / MEMBRANE IN THROAT --- (1) vincents angina, Black colour patch in mouth, (2) candida , (3) diptheria, (4) streptococcus, & IN THROAT OF ADULT----> Hemophilus, streptococcus, Neisseria, organism are seen but not E-Coli, "----------((4))

25) "GLUE EAR---8 yrs. Old child, Bilateral Conductive Deafness, seen in SECRETORY OTITIS MEDIA, or SEROUS OTITIS MEDIA---FLAT Tympanogram , "--------((4))

26) "MYRINGOPLASTY---Plastic Repair of T.M., note- initially audiometry done & then Sx done, or TYMPANOPLASTY---before T.plasty surgeon look for cochlear reserve, temporal fascia is used -it's metabolic rate is low, "-----------((4))

27) "BRAIN OTOGENIC ABSCESS---Mx-drainage of abscess followed by mastoidectomy, commonest site--temporal petrosal lobe, TEMPORAL LOBE ABSCESS---occurs in unsafe otitis media with high fever , convulsions "---------((3))

28) "ADENOIDECTOMY--- Indication--Recurrent Otitis Media, Sleep Apnoea synd., Middle ear infec. With deafness, C I --Submucous Cleft Palate, control of Hemorrhage--by Post.Nasal PACK, " ---------((3))

29) "ARNOLD'S NERVE---is a Branch of VAGUS Nerve, Irritation of this causes Ear Cough, Cough response caused while cleaning ear canal is mediated by stimulation of X Cr.N."----------(3)

30) "CARDIOSPASM / ACHALASIA CARDIA---difficulity for swallowing Liquids but not for solids, ass.with DEGENERATION of nerve plexus in the oesophagus, Barium Swallow-shows-Dilatation with smooth narrow ending, "--------((3))

31) "ENDOLYMPH---most imp. Constituent-K+ , is seen in Scala Media , Drains into Virchow Robin Space,"-------((3))

32) "EUSTACHIAN TUBE---most common cause of E.T. disease--ADENOIDS, LENGTH=36mm( 3.6 cm),"-------((3))

33) "GLOMUS TUMOUR---in middle ear, Location--Hypotympanum, Pulsatile Tinnitus ,Pulsatile tumour in EAM which Bleeds to Touch,"---------((3))

34) "GRADENIGO'S SYND.---abducent VI Nr. Palsy, Retroorbital Pain, pain over face, Aural discharge/ otorrhoea, Pralysis of Ext./lat Rectus, Nr. Inv.= 5,6, GRADENIGO'S TRIAD---Mastoiditis, Petrositis, L R palsy,"--------((3))

35) "MULTIPLE PAPILLOMA OF LARYNX---Rx Excision with Laser, common in Infants & Children, Laryngeal papilloma are usaually Multiple & VIRAL in origin, usual site of papilloma is larynx, Rx of single P.= Removal by Direct Laryngoscopy, "---------((3))


37) "OTITIS EXTERNA---MALIGNANT--caused by P.Aeroginosa, common in D.M., & OLD age,"----------((3))

38) "RHINOSCLEROSIS / RHINOSCLEROMA--- bacilli infec., Mickulitz & Russel bodies seen,"-------------((3))

39) "RINNE'S TEST---+ve seen in presbycusis, -ve(BC>AC)-->middle ear disease,"--------((3))

40) "CSF RHINORRHOEA--- ant.cranial fossa fractures / Cribriform plate fracture , most imm. Rx-prophylactic antibiotics& x-ray, "-----------((3))

41) "ETHMOIDAL SINUS--First sinus to appear after Birth, ETH.S. Adenocarcinoma--seen in WOOD workers & Nickel workers,"--------((3))

42) "MAXILLARY SINUS---maxillary antrum commonest malignancy=sq.cell ca., secondary deposits from M.S.-->submandibular L.N.'S,this is present at birth,"----------((3))

43) "SINUSITIS---bloood stainded rhinorrhoea, nasal blockage, facial edema, complication=orbital cellulitis, Sx-proof puncture,"---------((3))

44) "STAPEDIAL MUSCLE---supplied by facial cr. Nerve, STAPEDIAL REFLEX---protective against loud sound , mediated by VII & VIII CR. N.,"---------((3))

45) "SUPRAMEATAL SPINE OF HENLE---landmark on lat.surface of temporal bone which acts as a guide to surgery to the antrum,"----------((3))

46) "VOCAL FOLDS---& VOCAL FOLD CA.---Vocal folds are abducted by post.cricoarytenoid, in CA. L.N.'Smets never seen,,has good prog.,"----------((3))

47) "FRACTURES OF ZYGOMA--- undisplaced fracture--no specific Rx,"--------((3))

Friday, January 20, 2006

Topics Asken more than Twice

1) BEZOLD ABSCESS---located in digastric fossa/ sternomastoid muscle,-------------((2))

2) "CALDWELL-LUC OP.---commonest complication=Infra orbital nerve Palsy, used for removal of AntroChoanal Polyp,"------------((2))

3) "CALORIC test---done with Warm & Cold water, has Slow & Fast Component, Tests function of Lat.Semicircular canal,"----------((2))

4) "CHOLESTEATOMA---filled with Keratinised Stratified sq. epithelium, deafness, Erodes bone,"------------((2))

5) "COCHLEAR NUCLEI---appreciation of sound, COCHLEAR IMPLANTS--- used in SNHL/ SND.,"--------((2))

6) "EXTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS/ EAM---normal length=24 mm ( 2.4 cm),Cartilaginous portion is smaller than Bony portion,"--------------((2))

7) "FISTULA TEST---+VE after OPeration.of Labyrinth fenestration, FALSE +VE F.T.--seen in Hypermobile Ossicular chain, Labyrinthine Fistula, Post fenestration op.,"-------------((2))

8) "FOREIGN BODY OF NOSE---Unilateral Blood Stained & Fetid , Unilat. Nasal Obst., Nasal Discharge,"-----------((2))

9) "FRACTURE OF MAXILLA---fes. CSF Rhinorrhoea, Anasthesia of upper lip, Sugical emphysema cheeks,Not seen is malocclusion"------------((2))

10) "FURUNCLE OF EAR CANAL---Rx ear pack with 10% ICTHAMOL in GLYCERINE wick, most common site-EXT.cartilaginous auditory canal,"----------((2))

11) "LABYRINTH---destruction of Rt. Labyrinth causes nystagmus to Lt.side, Labyrinthine Artery is a branch of Ant. Inf. Cerebellar art.," ---------((2))

12) "LARYNGOSCOPY---KEY HOLE APP. of glottis is seen in PHONASTHENIA, the procedure that should precede microlaryngoscopy is laryngo-endoscopy, "-------------((2))

13) "LARYNGOMALACIA---most common Congenital Anamoly of larynx, most common cause of congenital stridor & inspiratory stridor is normal on crying,"-----------((2))

14) "LARYNX---Important function of Larynx is Protection of Lower Respiratory Tract, Narrowest part of Infantile Larynx=SUBGLOTTIS,"--------------((2))


16) "MAC EWEN'S TRIANGLE / SUPRAMEATAL TRIANGLE---felt thru. CYMBA Conche, Landmark for Mastoid Antrum"----------((2))

17) "MASTOIDECTOMY---commonest Extra-Cranial complication--Facial nerve Palsy, RADICAL MASTOIDECTOMY---inv.lowering of facial ridge, scrapping of middle ear ,removal of all ossicle except foot plate of stapes,"------------((2))

18) "MASTOIDITIS---ACUTE--clouding of air cells, deafness, obliteration of retroauricular sulcus, Complications-- Subperipsteal abscess-mastoid infec. Erodes outer cortex of bone,"----------((2))

19) "MAXILLARY SINUS -ANTRAL CARCINOMA---T3NOMO-Rx-->SURGERY+RADIOTH.,Malignant tumour arisis commonly from maxillary sinus,"-----------((2))

20) "NASOPHARYNGEAL FIBROMA---Rx Surgery, NASOPHARYNX---Oval shaped Space,"---------------((2))

21) "ORGAN OF CORTI---situated in SCALA MEDIA, along Inner edge of membrane"-------------((2))

22) "OTOTOXIC DRUGS---kanamycin, streptomycin, vincristine, gentamicin, "------------((2))

23) "PARACUSIS WILLISII---pt. Hear better in NOISE, cinical otosclerosis,"--------------((2))

24) "PAROTID---& TUMOURS OF PAROTID---NERVE commonly sacrificed is facial n. "-----------((2))

25) "PHONASTHENIA---KEY HOLE APP. OF GLOTTIS ON LARYNGOSCOPY,& PUBOPHONIA--- a boy failed to develop the crackling of voice which normally occurs in adolescence,"------------((2))

26) "PYRIFORM FOSSA/ SINUS---lymphatic drainage to upper cervical L.N.'S, malignant lesions of P.S. pain is reffered to Ipsilateral ear via vagus nerve,"------------((2))

27) REINKE'S OEDEMA---oedema of the free margin/edge of the Vocal cord ,”---------((2))

28) "ALLERGIC RHINITIS---test used intracutaneous test, scratch test, rash test, common cause of nasal discharge,"----------((2))

29) "VASOMOTOR RHINITIS---Sx Vidian Neurectomy, autonomic imbalance,"-------((2))

30) "CORYZA / VIRAL RHINITIS---PARCEL viruses, "----------((2))

31) "RHINOLALIA CLAUSA---seen in gross adenoid hypertrophy, voice abn.,"---------((2))

32) "RHINOSCOPY---ANTERIOR--Bulla Ethmoidalis, inf. Tubinates, little's area,are seen , not seen is sup.tubinate, POSTERIOR-- Eustachian tube, inf.meatus, middle meatus, not seen is sup. Concha,"--------((2))

33) "SPENOID SINUS---opens into sphenoethmoidal recess,"--------((2))

34) "ACUTE FRONTAL SINUSITIS---chronic periodic headache, disapears with sunset, "-----------((2))

35) "SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS---premalignant,"--------------((2))

36) "SMR / SUBMUCOUS RESECTION---done > 16yrs. , DNS, "----------((2))

37) TRACHEA---begins at the level of lower border of cricoid cartilage,---------((2))

38) "TRAUMATIC RUPTURE OF T.M.---Rx conservative / No active Rx, pin-prick injury to eardrum-Rx-antibiotics,"----------((2))

39) "VINCENT'S ANGINA---ulcerative lesion of fusiform bacillus, / anaerobic, spirochaete, "----------((2))

40) "WEBER TEST--- in conductive deafness -W.T. lat. to deaf ear, note=both ear rinne's +ve & W.T. left I.e. left sided conductive deafness, "----------((2))


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ENT:-- Occasionally Asked Topics

1) "ABC / ABSOLUTE BONE CONDUCTION TEST--- shortened in SNHL / Perceptive deafness,"-----(1)

2) "ACOUSTIC REFLEX DECAY TEST--- +VE in Lesions of Auditory Cortex,"----------------((1))

3) "ADENOID FACIES--- Fes.-- Open mouth, Pinching of nose, Crowding of teeth, "--------((1))

4) "ANOSMIA----complete-Responda to inhalation of ammonia,"--------------------((1))

5) "ANTRAL WASH---for drainage of maxillary sinus is thru. Inferior meatus,"---------------((1))

6) "AUDIOGRAM---U-shaped A.--congenital deafness, FLATTENED A.- serous Otitis media,"--------((1))

7) "AUDIOMETRY---IMPEDANCE,"------------------((1))

8) ALLODYNIA---increased perception of Painful stimulus,----------------((1))

9) "BELL'S PALSY---Mx-Steroids & Surgical Decompression,"---------------(1))

10) "BRONCHOSCOPY---indicated in persisitent Wheeze,"------------------((1))

11) BLAST INJURY---most common organ affected -Ear Drum,---------------((1))

12) "CARHART'S NOTCH---seen at 2000 Hz., & in otosclerosis,"-------------((1))

13) "CHOANAL ATRESIA---BiLateral Complete-->life threatening complication,"-----------((1))

14) "CHORDITIS TUBEROSA---is due to Chronic Laryngitis,"--------------((1))

15) "CRICOID CARTILAGE---is Signet Ring shape, "-------------------((1))

16) "CRICOTHYROID MUSCLE---is supplied by SUPERIOR Laryngeal nerve( SLN ), & rest by RLN.,"---------((1))

17) "CONE OF LIGHT---is formed on ANTERIO-INFERIOR Quadrant,"----------------((1))

18) "CSF.---is similar to PERI-LYMPH,"------------(1))

19) "DIPHTERIA---Membranes firmly Attached & Bleeds on Touch, " ----------((1))

20) "DYSPHAGIA---SIDEROPENIC DYSP.--seen in Iron Def. Anemia,"---------------((1))

21) "DYSPHONIA PLICA VENTRICULARIS---is producing sounds with false cord,"------------((1))

22) "CAULIFLOWER EAR---is due to Hematoma of Auricle," -----------------((1))

23) "ENCEPHALOCELE---Herniation of Brain tissue with its Dural covering into the Nasal cavity, "-----((1))

24) "EPITYMPANUM---includes--head of Malleolus , Body of Incus,"----------((1))

25) "FITZGERALD-HALLPIKE TEST---uses Temp. at 30oC& 44oC, also called as caloric test?,"------((1))

26) "LE FORT'S FRACTURE---inv's ZYGOMA, MAXILLA, & NASAL BONES,"----------((1))

27) "Oblique & Horizontal Fracture of nasal septum--- is called as JARJAVAL FRACTURE,"------------((1))

28) "GLOBUS HYSTERICUS---lump in throat not interfering with swallowing,"----------------((1))

29) "GROMMET INSERTION---is done in anteroinferior quadrant,"------------((1))

30) GELLE'S TEST---done in Otosclerosis,-----------------((1))

31) "Great Auricular Nr. ---supplies Skin at Angle of JAW,"---------------((1))

32) "GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NEURECTOMY--- Route of Approach -Tonsillectomy approach,"------((1))

33) Hearing impairment due to noise starts at 4000 Hz.,----------------((1))

34) "HEMANGIOMA---Bleeding Polyp of nose--arises from septum,"-----------((1))

35) HYPERACUSIS---normal sound are heard as loud & painful.,--------------((1))

36) "HYPERNASALITY---caused by Cleft palate, Submucous celft, Bifed Uvula,"--------------------((1))

37) HYPOPHARYNEAL CANCER---predisposing factors -Plummer Vinson's Synd.,----------------((1))

38) "INVERTED PAPILLOMA---of Rt.side of nasal cavity -TOC.=Total Maxillectomy,"-----------------((1))

39) "INNER AUDITORY MEATUS---facial nerve is lateral to superior vestibular nerve,"-------------((1))

40) "JUVENILE PAPILLOMA---Rx-Surgical excision,"-----------------((1))

41) "KERATOSIS OBURANS---is a Premalignant condition,"------------------((1))

42) KOBARK TEST---used for Minimal Caloric Stimulation,-------------------((1))

43) "KARTAGENER'S SYND.---Ass.with Sinusitis, Dextrocardia, Bronchiectasis, "----------------((1))

44) "LARYGEAL MIRROR---warmed before use by placing glass surface on Flame,"--------------------((1))

45) "LARYNGOFISSURE---Opening the larynx in midline,"-------------------((1))

46) "LARYNGECTOMY---after laryngectomy Voice is from Oesophagus,"--------------------------((1))

47) "LARYNGOCELE---Gas filled sac in neck region after VALSALVA MANOEURVE,"--------------((1))

48) "ANAESTHESIA OF LARYNX---occurs with Diptheria, Lead Poisoning, Multiple sclerosis,"---------(1))

49) "LYMPH NODE METASTASIS IN NECK --- is seen in SupraGlottic Ca., Ca.of Tonsil, Papillary Ca.of thyroid, NEVER seen in Ca.of Vocal Cords, "--------------------((1))

50) "MASKING---is applied for inability to hear,"-----------------((1))

51) "MASTOID TEMPORAL BONE AIR CELL GROUPS---include Petrosae, Retrofacial, Hypotympanic, Sublabyrinthine."-----------------((1))

52) "MASTOID TIP---appears by 2yrs. of age,"----------------((1))

53) "INFERIOR MEATUS OF NOSE---NasoLacrimal duct/ Frontonasal duct opens," ------------((1))

54) "MONOAURAL DISPLACUSIS---due to Lesions of Cochlea,"------------((1))


56) "MYRINGITIS BULLOSA---caused by Virus,"--------------((1))

57) "NASAL DEPRESSED BRIDGE--- caused by Syphylis, Septal Abscess, Injury,"--------------------((1))

58) CROOKED NOSE---due to Deviated Tip & Septum ,---------------------((1))

59) "SADDLE SHAPED NOSE---due to Destruction of nasal septum," --------((1))

60) "OESOPHAGUS---cervical oesophagus receives its blood supply from Inf.Thyroid Artery, "-----------(1)

61) "BENIGN NEOPLASMS OF OESOPHAGUS---commonest --is Intramural Tumour of oesophagus--LEIOMYOMA,"-------------------((1))

62) "CARCINOMA OF OESOPHAGUS---RAT TAIL APP. on Barium swallowing,"------------------((1))

63) "OLFCTORY AREA---Looks YELLOW in colour,"-------------------((1))

64) "OSSICULAR RATIO = 1.3:1 , " -------------------((1))

65) "TUBERCULAR OTITIS MEDIA---Multiple perforations of T.M., "-------------((1))

66) "ACUTE NON SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA---Retracted drumhead with a hiar-line or air bubbles on otoscopy," ------------------((1))

67) "OTOMYCOSIS---most common fugas aspergillus fumigatus,"----------((1))

68) CSF OTORRHOEA--- fracture of petrous ridge/ petrous temporal bone,--------------((1))

69) "PENDRED SYND.--Thyroid swelling + nerve deafness,"------------------((1))

70) PARAPHARYNGEAL ABCESS---swelling in post. Part of middle1/3 of sternomastoid & tonsil is pused medially,----------------((1))

71) "PAROSMIA---PERVERSION OF SMELL,"------------((1))

72) "PHARYNGITIS- MEMBRANOUS---causes--streptococcal, ludwig's angina, diptheria, "-----------((1))

73) PHARYNGOMAXILLARY ABSCESS---medial bulge of pharynx ,----------((1))

74) "PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA---most common tumour of parotid gland,"-------------((1))

75) PNEUMATOCELE--seen in fracture of frontal sinus,--------------((1))

76) PROCESSUS COCHLEARIFORMIS--attaches to handle of mallues,---------------((1))

77) "RESP.ALLERGY--house dust,"------------------((1))

78) "RANADIER'S OPERATION---done in Petrositis,"---------------((1))

79) CHRONIC RETROPHARYNGEAL ABSCESS--due to caries spine,-----------((1))

80) "SICCA RHINITIS--anterior nares inv.,",------------------((1))

81) "RHINOLITH--- deposition of calcium around the F.B. in nose,"-----------((1))

82) RHINOPHYMA---hypertrophy of sebaceous gland,------------------((1))

83) "SINGERS NODULE---Voice abuse,"-------------------(1))

84) "SCALA MEDIA ---shows endolymph,"----------------((1))

85) "SCHIRMER'S TEST---for lacrimal secr. To test facial nerve,"------------((1))

86) "SEMICIRCULAR CANALS--senses Angular movements,"--------------((1))

87) "SCHWARTZ SIGN ---seen in otosclerosis,"----------------((1))

88) "SCHWARTZE OPERATION---done in CSOM,"-----------((1))

89) "SPEECH DISCRIMINATION SCORE---lowest in retrocochlear SND,"------------------------((1))

90) "ALPORT'S SYND.---SNHL+Hereditary nephritis,"--------------((1))

91) "TEMPORAL BONE---petrous part-inner ear,"------------------((1))

92) "TONE DECAY TEST---done to fineout retrocochlear lesions,"------------((1))

93) "TOBEY AYER TEST---Lateral sinus thrombosis,"----------------((1))

94) "TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE---double tube, made of Titanium silver alloy, cuffed tube is used for IPPV, "--------((1))

95) "TROTTER'S TRIAD---seen in nasopharyngeal ca.,"-----------((1))

96) "UMBO---most reliable landmark on otoscopy,"-------------((1))

97) "VERTIGO---peripheral/ labyrinthine V. fes--unidirectional nystagmus, marked vertigo, ass.central abn.absent,"--------------((1))

98) "VESTIBULE---IS present in nose, larynx, pharynx,"--------------((1))


100) VIDIAN NERVE---/ NERVE OF PTERYGOID CANAL---, ---------------((1))

101) "VOCAL NODULES---present at junction of anterior 1/3 & post. 2/3, "--------------------------((1))

102) "WOODRUFF'S AREA---post. End of inferior turbinate, "-----------------((1))

103) "WALDERYER'S RING ---inner of L.N.=tonsils, lingual tonsils, adenoids,"-----------------((1))

104) "WARTHIN'S TUMOUR---Rx superior paratidectomy,"------------------((1))

105) ZENKER'S DIVERTICULUM --- it's asymp.-------------------((1))

106) "AT BIRTH---following structures are of adult size--tympanic cavity, malleus, tympanic ring , except -mastoid antrum,"-------------------((1))

107) "The ADDUCTION OF V.C. cannot occur while talking , but can occur with good cough --is a condition ass. With functional aphonia,"--------(1))

108) "SUPRAGLOTTIS--- include -aryepiglottic folds, false cords, laryngeal surface of the epiglottis,"---------------((1))

109) "TRANSBRONCIAL BIOPSY---is thru. Fiber-optic bronchoscopy,"----------------((1))

110) "NORMAL RANGE OF frequency of human haering = 20-20,000 hz,"--------------((1))

111) "AUDIBLE SOUND FOR NORMAL HUMANHEARING = 40-45 db,"---------------((1))

112) "PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO NOISE LEVELS > 85 db can impair hearing permanently,"---------------((1))

113) "RUPTURE OF T.M. /EAR DRUM occur at noise level > 160 db,"--------------((1))

114) "40 db COMPARED TO 20 DB is 100 TIMES,"-------------((1))

115) "RHINITIS SYNDROME---in mast cell mediator release category are categorised by sneezing , marked postnasal discharge, lacrimation,"----------------((1))

116) "WATER'S VIEW ( OCCIPITOMENTAL )--- provides good visualization of maxillary sinus, orbitofrontal sinus, frontal sinus,"--------------((1))


118) "STRUCTURES PASSING between the upper border of the superior constrictor muscle & base of the skull are levator palati muscle & the cartilagineous eustachain tube,"--------------------((1))

119) QUALITY OF VOICE--- not changed in total adductor palsy,-------((1))

120) "FAMILIAL PREDISPOSITION of malignancies--- are seen in -breast, leukaemia, thyroid,"----------------(1))

121) "GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE---supplies sensation to the middle ear mucous memb.,& tongue (post1/3)"-------------((1))

122) "MICROPHONIC POTENTIALS ORIGINATING IN COCHLEA are resistant to Ischaemia,"--------------((1))

123) "IVORY OSTEOMA--- sen in fronto-ethmoidal region,"-------------((1))

124) "PLICA SEMILUNARIS---is situated in Tonsillar area,"----------((1))

125) "SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND SURGERY---may result in damage of 7,11,12 Cr.N.,"-------((1))

126) "MICROLARYNGOSCOPY---size of lens used is 400mm.,"------------((1))

127) "VOCAL FREMITUS ---decreased in Emphysema , thick pleura, Pleural effusion,"-------------((1))

128) "common site of F.B. in lower respiratory tract is --Rt.Main Bronchus,"--------------------((1))

129) "IMPAIRMENT OF hearing due to noise starts at ---4000 hz.,/ 4khz.,"-----------------((1))

130) "EAM=24 mm, / 2.4 cm.,"-------------------((1))

131) "E.T / PT.TUBE=36 mm., / 3.6 cm.," -----------((1))


133) FLAT AUDIOGRAM---SEROUS OTITIS MEDIA,---------------((1))

134) "CARHART'S NOTCH ---2000 hz., / 2Khz.,"--------------((1))

135) "WAX IN EAR ---commonest cause of deafness,"-----------((1))

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